At FLVS, we believe that learning occurs through active participation and application of knowledge to relevant situations and issues. In addition, we believe that successful learning organizations find opportunities to foster connections between instructors, students, parents, peers, and community members. It is our desire to provide learning opportunities that prepare students for the future while also maintaining a safe environment.
FLVS Social Media Policy
Technology continues to change the way our world communicates as text message, email, and social media are rising in usage and popularity each day. In many ways, these methods offer a platform to work more effectively and reach more people with the click of a button. We understand that students enjoy using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and other sites to communicate with their friends.
We want to caution all students and parents that ‘Privacy Settings’ do not protect posts from becoming public information. Posts that are related to FLVS in any way are collected and reviewed and any threats or obscene/abusive/disrespectful language could result in disciplinary action. We would like to highlight some reminders from our FLVS Code of Student Conduct. If you would like to review the Code of Conduct in its entirety, please view the Student Handbook.
Students are responsible for good behavior on the FLVS network, just as they are in a traditional school building. Always use a computer in a way that shows consideration and respect. It is illegal to use obscene, profane, threatening, or disrespectful language. (f.s. 847.001 Obscene Literature; Profanity).
Email is not private. Never say anything via email that you wouldn't mind seeing on the school bulletin board or in the local newspaper.
Thank you in advance for your increased responsibility with social media!
FLVS Bullying and Harassment Policy
It is an expectation that all FLVS students and employees shall use all equipment and programs for the intended educational purpose. FLVS is committed to protecting its students and employees from bullying, harassment or inappropriate uses of FLVS computers or programs to participate in bullying behavior. Bullying and Harassment will not be tolerated and shall be just cause for disciplinary action. Conduct that constitutes bullying or harassment, as defined herein, is prohibited.
Bullying, harassment , cyberstalking is defined as systematically or chronically inflicting physical or psychological distress, communicating words, images or language using electronic mail that causes substantial emotional distress and for which there is no legitimate purpose.
Any action by a student of parent deemed inappropriate will be fully investigated by the appropriate school administrator and follow due process guidelines.
Consequences for students for actions that violate the letter or spirit of the policy on bullying and harassment shall be determined by the administrative staff of FLVS and may include: student/teacher/parent conference, suspension of email privileges, isolation of student in a separate shell where there is no access to other students, removal from access to FLVS courses for up to one year.
Consequences for employees for actions that violate the letter or spirit of the policy on bullying and harassment shall be determined by the Director of Instruction, the Director of Human Resources in conjunction with the Chief Learning Officer. The consequences may include: verbal or written reprimand or termination of employment.